realtest: Where expectations meet reality: Realistic unit testing in R

We are all adults here. We can’t always get what we want. Such is life. You may say we’re dreamers, but we’re not the only ones: in an ideal world, things could look different, there could be more or less of this or that. Sometimes, there might be many equally correct outcomes. Other behaviours are good enough for now, but we shall improve them eventually, say, during the 2034 summer holidays. More often than not, what we have is barely acceptable, but we’ll fix it when we have time. Or when other dependencies will finally take our feedback into account and accept that series of bug fixes and enhancements. Sad but true, one needs to be patient.

realtest is a framework for unit testing for realistic minimalists; it aids in formalising:

  • assertions,

  • current behaviour that we’d like to see changed in the future,

  • alternative yet perfectly acceptable practices (e.g., when outputs are platform-dependent and should remain so),

  • requested features to be implemented in due time (e.g., as part of the monitoring of third-party software projects for changes).

The introduced vocabulary is (and will be kept!) minimalist:

  • P is prototype – you can use it to manually create a descriptor like “I expect this function to return c(1, 2, 3), with a warning” or “this code chunk should result in an error”;

  • R stands for record – creates a descriptor by evaluating an expression and capturing its direct and indirect effects:

    • values generated (together with object attributes),

    • errors,

    • warnings and messages,

    • text output on stdout and stderr;

  • E means expect – compares an expression under scrutiny (via R) with a series of descriptors (created via P or R and using a pairwise comparer provided) and stores the matching one (if any).

Some examples:

install.packages("realtest")  # install from CRAN

# identical
E(sqrt(4), 2.0)  # equivalent to E(sqrt(4), P(2.0))

# almost-equal (round-off errors)
E(sin(pi), 0.0, value_comparer=all.equal)

# two equally okay possible outcomes:
E(sample(c("head", "tail"), 1), "head", "tail")

# not-a-number, with a warning
E(sqrt(-1), P(NaN, warning=TRUE))

# not-a-number, but we don't care about the side effects here
E(sqrt(-1), NaN, sides_comparer=ignore_differences)

# desired vs. current vs. undesired (because it can always be worse!) behaviour
    paste0(1:2, 1:3),                  # expression to test - concatenation
    .description="partial recycling",  # info - what behaviour are we testing?
    best=P(                            # what we yearn for (ideally)
        c("11", "22", "13"),
    current=c("11", "22", "13"),       # this is the behaviour we have now
    bad=P(error=TRUE)                  # avoid regression
    # and of course, everything else (un-expected) makes up a failed test

# if a test fails, the default result postprocessor
# prints out the differences and throws an error:
E(E(sin(pi), 7), P(error=TRUE, stdout=TRUE))  # inception: realtest tests itself

Labels desired, current, undesired, good, better, bad, worst, etc., are not hard-coded – you choose the vocabulary yourself. You can then summarise/visualise/analyse/customise the results to your liking (e.g., how many good or bad instances have been caught) – the test outcomes are represented as ordinary R lists.


  • minimalist – clean design and non-overwhelming vocabulary;

  • general and flexible – can be easily adapted to suit your needs;

  • economic – an expression under scrutiny is evaluated once and all its different effects can be examined in a single unit;

  • organised – makes planning future features/improved behaviour easier;

  • analysable – introduces data science to unit testing: what story can you tell based on the observed facts?


  • steeper (or, should we rather say, normal) learning curve, you are limited by your imagination and programming skills;

  • other tools, e.g., tinytest, testthat, RUnit, might be more suitable for the more typical use cases.

realtest’s source code is hosted on GitHub and official releases are available on CRAN. It is a free software project distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, either Version 2 or Version 3, see license.


To learn more about R, check out Marek’s open-access (free!) textbook Deep R Programming.